
Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home. Being away from home for the first time, along with the academic and financial pressures of being a student, can lead to mental health problems, including anxiety and depression.

Check your vaccinations
Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home

Universities and colleges advise students to be immunised against meningitis C and mumps before starting their studies.
Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home. If you haven't already been immunised against meningitis C or mumps, arrange to be vaccinated by your doctor.
Get an annual flu vaccination if you have asthma and take inhaled steroids. You should also get a flu vaccination if you have a serious long-term condition such as kidney disease.

Get contraception
Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home

Even if you don't plan to be sexually active while you're a student, it’s good to be prepared. Contraception and condoms are free to both men and women from any GP (it doesn't have to be your own) or family planning clinic.

Register with a local GP
If, like most students, you spend more weeks of the year at your college address than your family’s address, you need to register with a GP near your college as soon as possible. Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home, that way you can receive emergency care if you need it and access health services quickly and easily while you're at college.
You can choose to register with any local GP. The health centre attached to your college or university is likely to be the most convenient and the doctors working there will be experienced in the health needs of students. Many college health centres have good links with specialists such as psychiatrists, sports physicians, psychotherapists, counsellors and physiotherapists.

Register with a dentist
Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home

Dental problems can’t be dealt with by doctors, so register with a local dentist. Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home. Not all treatment is free, even under the NHS. You can apply for help with health costs, including prescriptions and dental care, by filling out an HC1 form, available from most surgeries and pharmacies.

Rest and eat healthy food
Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home

Student life may not be renowned for early nights and healthy eating, but getting enough sleep and eating well will mean you have a better chance of staying healthy. You’ll feel more energetic and be better equipped to cope with studying and exams. Health Tips for Students - Being Away From Home
Eating well does not have to cost a lot and is often cheaper than takeaways. Taking the time to cook simple meals instead of eating out or buying ready meals is also healthier.
Buy a student cookbook to give you some ideas. Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, buy wholemeal bread and pasta instead of white, and keep fast food to a minimum.

Check my Previous Posting: Health Tips for Summer - Boost Personal Health
Also related post on Health Tips for College Student - Personal Health and Wellness

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