
How To Whiten Teeth Naturally

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The one that makes us confident is having brilliant white teeth, because by having bright white teeth we will be protected from bad breath and tooth pain that can interfere with our daily activities. Before we discuss how to whiten teeth, we must first know what is causing our teeth less white. Causes of white teeth is caused by two factors, namely factors from within and external factors.

Factors from within, such as:
  • Plaque
  • Chromogenic bacteria
  • Damage of proteins on the surface of the tooth
  • Mouthwash (chlorhexidine)
  • Beverages (tea, coffee and soft drinks)
  • Food (berries, food additives, food was greasy)
  • Antibiotics (erythromycin and amoxicillin)
  • Supplements containing iron

External factors, such as:
  • Trauma to the teeth
  • Cavities
  • Dental fillings materials
  • Aging
  • Smoking
  • Chemicals
  • Consumption of antibiotics minocycline
  • Functional changes
  • Food that its use in the long term

Tips For Whitening Teeth Naturally

Here are some tips on how to whiten teeth naturally

Strawberries have been known to contain an enzyme that can help whiten the teeth. In order to use them for the purpose, all you have to do is mash a strawberry and making use of your fingers, rub the pulp onto your teeth (for a few minutes). Now, rinse your teeth well and floss, to make sure that strawberry seeds do not remain sticking inside.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is an alternative to cleaning also whiten teeth, and also proven can be shed stains and plaque on the teeth, such as coffee and other marks. But when your teeth decay, it is recommended to consult with your dentist first, associated with the use of baking soda.

People have been making use of baking soda for adding the white glow to their teeth. What you have to do is take a teaspoon of baking soda in your palm and dip your toothbrush in it. Now, brush your teeth with it. If you want to remove stubborn stains from the teeth, add a little salt to the baking soda and use it to brush your teeth after ever meal.

Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice contains a natural bleaching agent. This particular property of the juice can prove to be really effective in making your teeth white. Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add a teaspoon of salt to it, forming a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste and then rinse you mouth with cold water. You can use baking soda, instead of salt, to make it more effective.

Apple Cider Vinegar
If you are ready to bear some foul taste in your mouth, apple cider vinegar can surely help you treat the yellowing teeth. Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a teaspoon of baking soda, enough to form a thick paste. Now, use this paste to brush your teeth on a daily basis. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, after brushing teeth with vinegar and baking soda.

Orange Peels & Bay Leaves
Though most of the people are unaware of the fact, orange peels and bay leaves can prove to be very effective, as a remedy for brightening teeth. Grind some bay leaves with orange peel and form a mixture. Dip your toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth with it. Rinse with water afterwards. You can also try rubbing the inner side of an orange peel over your teeth.

Other Tips

  1. Try to keep the intake of tea, coffee, soft drinks and cigarettes as low as you can. In fact, if possible, avoid them altogether.
  2. Chew as much of crunchy foods, like apples, celery, carrots and broccoli, as possible. They are naturally abrasive and can help whiten teeth.

How To Keep White and Healthy Teeth

Actually, the most important thing to do in a whiten teeth, is to perform regular maintenance and correctly.
  1. Diligent cleaning the mouth, including brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day.
  2. We recommend that you choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and choose enough brush tip as close as possible to the end of the molars.
  3. Brushing your teeth regularly at that time and the right way. Ie brushing teeth when you wake up, brush your teeth after brushing your teeth after every meal and before bed at night.
  4. How to brush your teeth properly is brushing your teeth from the gums to the teeth end vertically. This is done to do massage the gums, a smooth blood circulation, so the gums stay healthy, and gums do not bleed easily.
  5. Take control regularly every 6 months to prevent caries and tartar buildup. Because tartar can cause inflammation of the gums that causes the gums to bleed.

Amazing Watermelon Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Benefits of Watermelon is very diverse. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is rich in lycopene. In addition to heart and bone health, lycopene act as antioxidants. The ability of lycopene is fabulous to neutralize free radical molecules that can damage cells and tissues. In addition to health, antioxidant support female beauty, such as making the skin look healthy and youthful.

Watermelon is a fruit that has some vitamins and minerals. In 152 grams of watermelon will meet the daily requirement of vitamin C as much as 20.4 percent, 17.2 percent of vitamin A, potassium and magnesium 7.8 percent 3.8 percent. The good news, watermelon is a fruit that is very low in calories, so eating it will not make you worry about weight gain.

Watermelon is a fruit with a high water content. So no wonder if the fruit is well-liked by the people of tropical regions, and a favorite fruit in the summer. A very high water content will make someone avoid dehydration, and it was certainly more comfortable than regular mineral water. In addition, the fiber contained in watermelon will help someone protected from constipation.

Nutrition Fact of Watermelon

Flesh watermelon low in calories and contain as much as 93.4% water, 0.5% protein, 5.3% carbohydrate, fat 0.1%, fiber 0.2%, ash 0.5%, and vitamins (A, B and C). It also contains the amino acid sitrullin (C6H13N3O3), aminoasetat acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, arginine, betaine, lycopene (C4oH56), carotene, bromine, sodium, potassium, sylvite, lysine, fructose, dextrose, and sucrose.

Sitrulin and arginine plays a role in the formation of urea in the liver from ammonia and CO2 that increases urine. The content of potassium is high enough to help the heart and normalize blood pressure. Lycopene is an antioxidant that is superior to vitamins C and E.

Watermelon seeds, nutrient-rich yellow with oil content 20-45%, 30-40% protein, sitrullin, vitamin B12, and the enzyme urease. Kukurbositrin active compounds in watermelon seed can stimulate the kidneys and keeping blood pressure remained normal.

Here are nutrition fact of watermelon per 100g

Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
127 kJ
7.55 g
6.2 g
Dietary fiber
0.4 g
0.15 g
0.61 g
91.45 g
Vitamin A equiv.28 μg
beta-carotene303 μg
Thiamine0.033 mg
Riboflavin0.021 mg
Niacin0.178 mg
Pantothenic acid0.221 mg
Vitamin B60.045 mg
Choline4.1 mg
Vitamin C8.1 mg
Calcium7 mg
Iron0.24 mg
Magnesium10 mg
Manganese0.038 mg
Phosphorus11 mg
Potassium112 mg
Sodium1 mg
Zinc0.1 mg
4532 µg

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Here are some benefits of eating watermelon.

1. Hydrate the body
Flesh watermelon contains about 90% water and some minerals essential electrolytes, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and iron. Eating watermelon can restore the freshness of the body after exercise and other activities that can reduce the body's fluids.

2. Improve Body Immunity
Eating watermelon can increase endurance. Watermelon contains vitamin C which is known merit increase immunity against diseases.

3. Maintain Healthy Eyes
Watermelon are rich in vitamin A, which is known as an essential nutrient for the eye so as to prevent macular degeneration, especially in the elderly.

4. Preventing Cell Damage Due to Free Radicals
Cell damage caused by free radicals may occur. Antioxidants are substances that can counteract free radicals that are not potentially damage cells. Watermelon contains vitamin A, B vitamins, and lycopene which is an antioxidant.

5. Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Watermelon is one of the few fruits that are rich in lycopene, which is known to have efficacy against cancer, especially breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and endometrial cancer.

6. Keeping Kidneys Healthy
Watermelon is an adequate source of potassium minerals. Potassium is beneficial to help cleanse toxic deposits in the kidney. Potassium is also beneficial to reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of kidney stones and gout.

7. Reducing the Risk of High Blood Pressure
Watermelon contains potassium and magnesium which help control blood pressure and maintain the body's electrolyte balance.

8. Helps the metabolism of body
Watermelon contains vitamins B1 and B6, which helps the body convert food into energy.

9. Reduce Risk of Osteoporosis
Watermelon contains magnesium in adequate amounts. Magnesium is one of the important bone-building mineral. Frequent eating watermelon can help maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

10. Reduce Blood Glucose Level
Watermelon contains arginine which showed efficacy increase insulin sensitivity for patients with type 2 diabetes.

11. Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Arginine is found in watermelon are known down instrumental maintain healthy blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

12. Improve Mood
Frequent eating watermelon can improve mood and reduce depression. Watermelon contains vitamin B6 which is an important nutrient in the production of serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter that affects mood.

Vitamin K Benefits And Rich Foods

Monday, March 25, 2013

Vitamin K has many benefits for our bodies. Benefits of vitamin K is for blood clotting. Lack of vitamin K lead bleeding endlessly, and severe anemia. Vitamin K controls the production of prothrombin in the liver. Vitamin K is produced in the gut and fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin K helps the absorption of calcium from food, thus helping the formation and maintenance of bone health.

Vitamin K may be a future alternative to handle some types of cancer. Because vitamin K acts as a poison to cancer cells, but not membahayaklan healthy cells. Vitamin K also acts to prevent Alzheimer's disease and to help control blood sugar levels so that did not happen diabetes.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K is itself divided into three kinds, from generating sources, such as:
  1. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone): This vitamin is produced by plants.
  2. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone): This vitamin is a result of the bacteria found in the digestive organs of the colon.
  3. Vitamin K3 (menadione): This vitamin is a vitamin-made to help someone who has problems with the digestive organs to absorb food.

Vitamin K Health Benefits

Blood clotting
Vitamin K prevents severe blood loss due to injury, by slowing and stopping the bleeding.

Prevent Osteoporosis
Vitamin K can make bones more healthy, in addition to calcium. Vitamin K can improve bone quality in our bodies. This vitamin also helps calcium and other minerals in bones for each binding.

Prevent Cancer
Vitamin K can also fight cancer cells in the body. Several studies have shown that people who consume the vitamin K in their diet are more resistant to cancer. Type of vitamin is even more effective in the fight against blood cancer and colon.

Preventing brain hemorrhage
Babies need an injection of vitamin K because it does not have sufficient levels in their bodies. Vitamins may prevent children from bleeding in the brain.

Vitamin K is essential for children who are experiencing menstrual cycle. When the body is deficient in vitamin K, you will lose a lot of blood during the menstrual period. It makes people feel weak physically.

Vitamin K Rich Foods

Vitamin K is found in various foods including green leafy vegetables, meats, and dairy products. Vitamin K can also be derived from the bacteria in the gut which synthesize vitamin K which is then absorbed and stored in the liver. There are some vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin K, which are:
  • Mustard greens. The content of vitamin K in the green mustard quite high compared to other vegetables are 419.3 mcg per one cup. You just eat greens mustard every day as much as one-off, then the need for vitamin K you will be met on a daily basis without having to take more supplements vitamin K. Therefore, mustard greens being the best source of vitamin K which is highly recommended.
  • Asparagus. The content of vitamin K in 100 grams of asparagus is 416 mcg. The content of vitamin K, which is quite high as well on the type of vegetables can be used as an alternative when bored eating mustard.
  • Kiwi. The content of vitamin K in kiwifruit at 100 grams is 40.3 mcg, or the equivalent of 10% of the daily vitamin K your body needs.
  • Grapes. Vitamin K in the grape with a dose of 100 grams is equivalent to 22 mcg or 21% of vitamin K per day. The grapes are helpful to increase blood flow into the heart.
  • Lettuce. To dose of 100 grams of lettuce, containing a total of 128 mcg of vitamin K.
  • Spinach. The content of vitamin K in green or red spinach is 89 mcg in 100 gr.

Vitamin K Recommended Daily Intake

By the standards of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of vitamin K a person needs depends on his weight. For adults, it requires at least 1 microgram per day per kg of body weight. So, if you weigh 50 kg then it needs to reach 50 micrograms per day.

Vitamin K deficiency

If vitamin K is not contained in the body, blood can not clot. This can cause bleeding or hemorrhagic. However, vitamin K deficiency is rare because most people get it from bacteria in the gut and from food. However, deficiency can occur in infants because their digestive systems are sterile and do not contain bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K, breast milk contains only small amounts of vitamin K. For that, the baby was given a vitamin K at birth.

In adults, deficiency can occur due to lack of consumption of vegetables or eating antobiotik too long. Antibiotics can kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines that produce vitamin K. Sometimes vitamin K deficiency caused by liver disease or digestive problems.

Poisoned of Vitamin K

You can also poisoned vitamin K. It occurs only in people receiving vitamin K replacement water soluble. The symptoms are hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), jaundice and brain damage.

How To Improve Blood Circulation

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The circulatory system is one of the most important organ systems. Disruption of blood circulation can cause various diseases. Various emerging disease caused by circulatory disorders, such as heart disease, stroke, etc. Organs that including the circulatory system such as: heart, as the blood pumping. Blood vessels, as the flow of blood. Nervous system, as a regulator of blood vessel diameter, so that blood can flow more easily and the blood itself as a means of transportation of various substances in the body.

Because there are 4 parts of the body which is very influential in the circulatory system, the disruption in one or more of the four organ can disrupt the entire circulatory system. Disorders that may arise include:
  • At the heart: heart valve disorders, heart failure, etc.
  • In the blood vessels: varicose veins, atherosclerosis, etc.
  • In the nervous system: stress, insomnia, etc.
  • In the blood: anemia, thalassemia, thrombus / embolus, leukemia, etc.

We must begin to suspect when we are already feeling mild symptoms, such as headaches, hands and feet often feel cold, frequent cramps, stiff muscles, body feels weak, buzzing ears, wounds difficult to heal, memory loss. These symptoms if left unchecked, can cause effects more severe and dangerous, such as hypertension, stroke, kidney failure, complications of diabetes, impotence, heart attacks and even death.

The best way to keep the blood circulation in our body remains smooth is to adopt a healthy lifestyle: reduce consumption of fat and cholesterol, increasing fiber intake, regular exercise, reducing stress, and taking natural supplements that can help improve blood circulation.

Tips For Improving Blood Circulation

Hot and Cold Treatments
Hot and cold showers or hydrotherapy is a good way to enhance or improve circulation. When you put the affected area under a hot shower, blood gushes into the skin and feeds it. An instant cold shower would make the blood rush to the internal organs. The shivering of the body is an indication that blood is flushing out to the skin and leaving it oxygenated. This hot and cold water treatment should be undertaken regularly, for optimum results. Make sure that water is not boiling hot, else it may cause burns.

The herb Cayenne is known to stimulate the heart, regulate the blood flow and strengthen the arteries and capillaries. Intake of the herb would not only mean an enhanced blood circulation, strengthened heart and clear arteries, but would also assist in weight loss. This is because intake of cayenne tincture raises about 25% of a person's metabolic rate.

Most of us indulge in bad breathing habits, which involve using a small fraction of the lungs. For improving blood circulation, the best bet would be to carry out deep breathing techniques, which would ensure the use of lungs to their full efficiency. This would not only assist in getting more oxygen into the blood, but also remove waste products and help speed up the circulation of the blood.

Avoid Stress
Stress is one of the leading causes of bad circulation. This is mainly because when a person is stressed out, circulation gets limited to the major organs, leaving all the extremities. Hands and feet are the worst affected zones. So, the best way to ensure better circulation would be to avoid stress. Introducing deep breathing techniques and meditation practices in the daily regimen is sure to have beneficiary effects on the blood circulation.

Elevate Feet
Another effective way to improve circulation would be to raise the feet for a short period, say by lying down on the bed and placing a pillow underneath the feet. This would help get the circulation moving through the feet. For the process, you need to lie on the ground, placing your legs on a chair or a sofa. This would cause blood to drain away from each foot.

The most definite way to raise blood circulation would be by undertaking physical activities. Most of the people, today, have a sedentary lifestyle, devoid of any physical activity. Regular exercising, walking, swimming and running would give a boost to the blood flow in your entire body. However, make sure to start with a steady walk, increasing the pace and duration of the walk with time.

Proper Diet
Diet plays a crucial role in boosting blood circulation. A healthy diet intake would ensure reduced fat intake and thus increase the blood flow. Less fat makes the blood less vicious, making it easy for the blood to enter small vessels. Increasing fiber in the diet will also help remove fat from your system and improve the circulation even more.

Food For Smooth Blood Circulation

Here are 18 foods that are beneficial to accelerate blood circulation in the arteries:
1. Avocado
A study conducted in 1996 by researchers in Mexico found that people who ate avocados every day for a week can decrease the level of cholesterol in the blood by 17 percent. Besides being able to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, avocados can also meningkatlkan good cholesterol (HDL).

2. Whole wheat
Insoluble fiber is found in grains such as whole wheat bread, brown rice and oatmeal that can bind cholesterol in your food and take it out of the body. So, when your body needs the benefits of cholesterol, the body will draw cholesterol out of the blood supply, effectively lower blood cholesterol levels and heart disease risk.

3. Olive oil
A 2011 study found that people age 65 or older who regularly consume olive oil for cooking to avoid the risk of stroke by up to 41 percent lower than those who did not consume olive oil at all.

4. Nuts
Nuts are a heart-healthy snack. Almonds contains monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, and fiber, while walnuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-vegetable linolenic acid. According to the American Heart Association, monounsaturated fats can help lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

5. Fatty fish salmon
Fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon are full of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating fish twice a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation, lower triglyceride levels, and help increase your HDL levels.

6. Asparagus
Asparagus is one of the best types of food to the artery. Asparagus works in 100,000 miles of blood vessels and release pressure on the arteries, allowing the body to accommodate the inflammation that has accumulated over the years.

7. Pomegranate fruit
Pomegranate contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants to protect the lining of blood vessels from damage. A 2005 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants that can stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body, improving blood flow in the arteries.

8. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which is necessary for bone formation and helps to keep calcium does not damage the arteries. Not to mention, broccoli is full of fiber, and research shows a diet high in fiber can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

9. Turmeric
Turmeric is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. Turmeric contains curcumin also lowers inflammation leading cause arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. A study in 2009 found that curcumin can help reduce excess fat in the arteries as much as 26 percent.

10. Persimmon
Eating persimmon fruit every day is a better way for arterial health. Research suggests polyphenols found in persimmon can help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

11. Orange juice
A 2011 study published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking two cups of orange juice a day can help reduce diastolic blood pressure. Orange juice contains antioxidants to help improve blood vessel function.

12. Spirulina algae
A total of 4500 mg of blue-green algae that is usually taken in capsule form or powder supplements, can help relax artery walls and normalize blood pressure. It can also help to balance blood levels of your heart, lower your LDL cholesterol fat by 10 percent and increased HDL cholesterol by 15 percent.

13. Cinnamon
Just one teaspoon of cinnamon a day rich in antioxidants may help reduce fat in the bloodstream, helping to prevent the development of plaque in the arteries and reduce levels of bad cholesterol by 26 percent.

14. Coffee
According to researchers in the Netherlands, people who drank more than two glass of coffee, but not more than four cups of coffee a day for 13 years had a risk of heart disease about 20 percent lower than those who drank more than two cups or less. Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. But if the consumption of too much coffee, can cause irregular heart beats.

15. Cheese
Believe it or not, the cheese can help lower your blood pressure. A recent study at the Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that people who ate three servings of low-fat cheese milk a day had systolic blood pressure lower than that to eat less.

16. Green tea
Green tea is rich in catechins, compounds that have been shown to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your body.

17. Watermelon
Watermelon can also help protect your heart. A study at Florida State University found that people were given 4000 mg of supplemental L-citrulline (an amino acid found in watermelon) decreased blood pressure in just six weeks. The researchers say that the amino acids in watermelon can help your body produce nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels.

18. Spinach
Potassium and folate, which is found in spinach can help lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of heart disease by 11 percent.

Jicama Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact You Should Know

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jicama is a fruit that is rich in various nutrients and save many benefit for health, especially vitamins and minerals. The highest vitamin in Jicama is vitamin C. While the minerals contained in Jicama is phosphorus, iron, calcium and others. Jicama is also a fruit that contains moisture content high enough so that it can refresh the body after taking it and increase the body fluids necessary to remove fatty deposits that harden formed in several parts of the body. Therefore, Jicama is considered can lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Jicama usually found in masks, scrubs, facial soap, moisturizer, and lotion. Jicama proved refreshing, because Jicama tubers have a high water content, around 86-90 percent, giving, moisturizing effect.

Meanwhile, in a study entitled The Exploration of Whitening and Sun Screening Compounds in Bengkoang Roots (Pachyrhizus erosus) by Endang Lukitaningsih from Universitat Wurzburg, Germany, said that Jicama contains vitamin C, flavonoids, and saponins which is a natural sunscreen to prevent skin damage by free radicals. Phenolic substances in Jicama quite effectively inhibits the formation of melanin, so the pigmentation due to hormones, sunlight, and acne scars can be prevented and reduced.

Jicama Nutrition Fact

Jicama is high in carbohydrates in the form of dietary fiber. It is composed of 86-90% water; it contains only trace amounts of protein and lipids. Its sweet flavor comes from the oligofructose inulin (also called fructo-oligosaccharide) which is a prebiotic. Jicama is high in vitamins C, A and B, along with calcium and phosphorus.

Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
Energy 38 Kcal
Carbohydrates 8.82 g
Protein 0.72 g
Total Fat 0.19 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Dietary Fiber 4.9 g
Folate 12 mg
Niacin 0.200 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.135 mg
pyridoxine 0,042 mg
Riboflavin 0.029 mg
Thiamin 0.020 mg
Vitamin A 21 IU
Vitamin C 20.2 mg
Vitamin E 0.46 mg
Vitamin K 0.3 mg
Sodium 4 mg
Potassium 150 mg
Calcium 12 mg
Copper 0.048 mg
Iron 0.60 mg
Magnesium 12 mg
Manganese 0.60 mg
Zinc 0.16 mg
ß-Carotene 13 mcg

Jicama Health Benefits

Here are Some Benefits of Jicama For Health:

1. Treating Hemorrhoids
Fiber content in Jicama can help overcome hemorrhoids. Because one of the functions of the fiber that helps accelerate the digestive tract and feces expenditures that are not difficult and does not cause pain and reduce the pressure when removing it. Thus it can reduce pain hemorrhoid sufferers. To overcome hemorrhoids, Jicama made ​​in the form of juice and drink every waking in the morning.

2. Treating Fever
Jicama which has chemical properties that merit can be used to cool the fever down. Jicama tubers can be eaten directly or made ​​into juice drink morning and evening.

3. Good For People with Diabetes Mellitus
In addition to medicine physician, Jicama can be used to maintain normalcy in blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber contained in Bengkuang plays a role in lowering blood sugar levels because it is absorbed slowly and not all of them are converted into glucose. Thus fibers in Bengkuang can control blood sugar diabetics mellitus. In an effort to maintain blood sugar levels remain normal, Jicama made ​​in the form of juice or can be shredded and then filtered and drunk the juice taken every morning and evening.

4. Treating Oral Thrush
Oral Thrush is a symptom of the erosion on the skin of the mouth, the walls inside of the cheek or tongue. The cause is a vitamin C deficiency, allergies or a decrease in endurance. The content of vitamin C in the Jicama which act as antioxidants may help speed up the healing process of patients with Oral Thrush. Jicama can be given to sufferers of oral thrush in a way made ​​in the form of juice which is then sweetened with honey and water.

5. As a phytoestrogen Natural
For women, the presence of phytoestrogens is necessary to maintain the quality of life of older age. When a woman enters menopause where estrogen is no longer produced by the body or only produced in relatively small quantities, so there is a tendency of women experience physical setbacks, including faster wrinkled skin and organs begin to fragile bones and brittle. Jicama is one of the foods that contain phytoestrogens so good to eat for those who have entered menopause, so complaints that occur in menopause is inevitable and will make the older women to be even fresher and more attractive.

6. Lowering Blood Cholesterol Levels
Jicama juice therapy can be done to lower cholesterol in the blood. The content of water and fiber in Jicama can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition to fiber and high water content, the content of vitamin C in the Jicama that act as antioxidants can also help in the reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood.

7. Reduce Stomach Acid Production
Naturopathic advised to consume fresh Jicama is eaten in the form of plain without sauce or salt. Due to the nature of the tuber cold and alkaline properties Jicama fast absorbing excess stomach acid.

8. Keeping the Immune System
Jicama is one type of food that plays an important role in maintaining and improving immunity. The content of vitamin C and some of the phytonutrients found in Jicama can make the immune system is maintained, so that the relative can be spared from attack various infections and diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and harmful microorganisms.

9. For Beauty
Nutrition in Jicama can also be a good material for beauty potions. Not surprisingly, Jicama is often used as material to make a variety of creams and body lotions. One of the most classic ways to use fresh Jicama as herb facial beauty is to turn it into a mask or scrub materials. It's easy; Grated Jicama tubers as needed and then crushed a little before applying it on the face and rubbed briefly with rotating movements. Benefits Bengkuang for facial beauty, as air sun burnt skin, as a natural face brightener and help eliminate dark spots on the face. Natural herbs acne removal. Masks are made of flesh Jicama tuber is not only soothing and deflates acne but also helps to reduce scars.

Jicama is often paired with chili powder, cilantro, ginger, lemon, lime, oranges, red onion, salsa, sesame oil, grilled fish and soy sauce. It can be cut into thin wedges and dipped in salsa. In Mexico, it is popular in salads, fresh fruit combos, fruit bars, soups, and other cooked dishes. In contrast to the root, the remainder of the jícama plant is very poisonous; the seeds contain the toxin rotenone, which is used to poison insects and fish

Cauliflower Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cauliflower is rich in health benefits. Cauliflower is one of the common types of flowers that used as vegetables. Cauliflower is rich in phytonutrient nutrients such as indole-3-carbinol, sulforaphane, and others that have efficacy in preventing a variety of cancers, such as prostate, ovarian, and cervical.

Cauliflower belongs to the family Brassicaceae or cruciferus, this means that the family is still cauliflower with broccoli and cabbage. If we had been familiar white cauliflower, but it also contained a green cauliflower, purple, orange and romanesco.

Very low calorie, plus it contains a variety of antioxidants and vitamins, making Cauliflower very beneficial for health.

Cauliflower Nutrition Fact

Fresh cauliflower is a source of vitamin C in 100 grams of cauliflower contained 48.2 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has been proven to be able to cope with free radicals, enhance immune function or immune system.

Cauliflower contains vitamin B complex group, such as B9, B5, B6, B1, B3 and vitamin K. Those Vitamin is very important in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Cauliflower is also rich in minerals, such as manganese, copper, iron, calcium and potassium. Manganese in the body is used as a cofactor for antioxidant enzymes in the body, superoxide dismutase. While potassium is an electrolyte in the cell yag very important in countering the effects of sodium which increases blood pressure.

Cauliflower contains several phytonutrients, which are efficacious as anticancer, such as sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol which belong to the class of sterol compounds found in plants.

Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
104 kJ
5 g
1.9 g
Dietary fiber
2 g
0.3 g
1.9 g
92 g
Thiamine0.05 mg
Riboflavin0.06 mg
Niacin0.507 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.667 mg
Vitamin0.184 mg
Folate57 μg
Vitamin C48.2 mg
Vitamin E0.08 mg
Vitamin K15.5 μg
Calcium22 mg
Iron0.42 mg
Magnesium15 mg
Manganese0.155 mg
Phosphorus44 mg
Potassium299 mg
Sodium30 mg
Zinc0.27 mg

Cauliflower Health Benefits

1. Cancer Prevention
Cauliflower contains sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol. Indole-3-carbinol is known to have efficacy as an anti-estrogen. Together with sulforaphane, indole-3-carbinol has been shown to prevent prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, and may provide a toxic effect on cancer cells.

2. Good for Digestion
Cauliflower is a great source of dietary fiber, which is essential for optimal digestion. When you get enough fiber in your diet, it helps to keep things moving smoothly through the intestines. Cauliflower also contains a compound called glucoraphin, which protects your stomach and intestines from certain health conditions such as cancer and ulcers.

3. Antioxidants
Cauliflower contains a high amount of antioxidants, which are essential for the body's overall health and help to prevent heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Antioxidants are also essential in destroying free radicals that accelerate the signs of aging.

4. Anti-Inflammatory
Because of the omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K in cauliflower, it helps to prevent chronic inflammation that leads to conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and certain bowel conditions.

5. Pregnancy
Cauliflower provides a good amount of folate (B9), a B vitamin that is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. Folate deficiency in pregnant women can lead to problems such as birth defects and low birth weight.

6. Rich in Vitamins B
In addition to folate, cauliflower is also loaded with other important B vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and thiamine.

7. Heart Health
Cauliflower protects from heart disease in many ways. It contains allicin, which has been found to reduce the occurrence of stroke and heart disease. Additionally, cauliflower can help to lower cholesterol levels in the body.

8. Weight Loss
Cauliflower is a great food to include in your diet if you're dieting because it's low in calories and can be used in a variety of ways. Try grating the cauliflower into a "rice" and using it in stir-fries instead of regular rice. You can also boil cauliflower and mash it into a healthier version of mashed potatoes.

To get the maximum benefits of cauliflower, Then buy it and keep it in the refrigerator. If you store them properly, then the cauliflower will stay fresh for a week of storage. When you want to boil, boil in a little boiling salt water, do not overcook because then the number of nutrients contained in it will be lost, especially vitamin C.

How To Get Rid Of Hiccup In Baby

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Babies often have hiccups after drinking milk or eating. Hiccup is sometimes disturb the baby but as long as baby is still happy, smiling, can eat, and drink well there is nothing to worry about. No need to panic if your baby's hiccups. Although it is one of the most common in infants under one year of age, hiccups are not indicative of a serious illness.

Hiccups are a reflex movements of the body and is accompanied by a distinctive sound due to irritation of the diaphragm. The diaphragm plays a major role in the course of respiration and metabolic processes. Diaphragm pulling and pushing on a regular basis that regulates entry and exit of air during the process of respiration. The structure will be disturbed muscle function if there is anything that inhibits the process, either from internal or external factors.

Hiccups are an unpleasant condition and can affect people of all ages, including newborns. Hiccups are a normal and natural for babies, unless hiccup to disrupt their activities such as sleeping or eating. Babies who have gastroesophageal reflux disease may be more likely to experience hiccups.

If hiccups often causes babies to be vomiting, coughing, very fussy or very uncontrollable until the baby is older than a year, then the parents should consult it to the doctor.

Causes of Hiccups In Baby

Baby hiccups or in adults, can be caused by the blood carbon dioxide levels dropped sharply and becomes lower than it should be. Hiccups can also be triggered by some of the following:
  • Because eating spicy food or due to excessive drinking and eating with quantities. And the hiccup was a spontaneous reaction of the condition of the body that they do not choke while drinking or eating.
  • Irritation to the phrenic nerve, this is the type of motor nerve to the diaphragm that serves to assist in the control of breathing.
  • Emotions or because of stress, this could also be the cause of hiccups in a person.
  • Other causes, there is a foreign object in the ear.
  • In a person who is undergoing chemotherapy, could affect the occurrence of continuous hiccups.

Tips To Get Rid Of Hiccups In Baby:

Here are some alternatives to overcome hiccups in babies:

1. Changing the position.
Sometimes, babies swallow air during feeding too much, this is what causes hiccups in babies. So, change the feeding position to limit the amount of air that goes into the baby's mouth.

2. Burping.
It is important for the baby to burp after feeding. Burp done to remove excess air or gas in the baby's stomach. In some cases, burping can also help release muscle spasms in the diaphragm and can finally stop hiccups in babies.

3. Back massage.
Baby hiccups are not harmful to health. All you need do is to calm the baby. Rub your baby's back while soothing so hiccups are gradually disappearing.

4. Eat on a regular basis
You have to feed in babies before it is too hungry and the stomach contains a lot of gas. Hiccups can be a sign of stomach problems. If the hiccups indicate gastric problems, then they will be accompanied by vomiting.

5. Stop eating when hiccups do not stop
After a few minutes, if the hiccups do not stop, you need to stop breast-feeding a baby. If you continue to feed the baby while she hiccups, the baby may vomit. This will make the baby more upset. So the only solution is to let the baby hiccups disappeared, and then resume eating again.

Lettuce Nutrition Fact And Health Benefits You Must Know

Lettuce offers many health benefits and nutrition. Lettuce (lactuca sativa), grown as a leaf vegetable, one of the most delicate salad plants in the world. Lettuce is considered as the king of salad crops.Annual or biennial temperate climates plants of the Asteraceae family . The vegetables are usually eaten cold and raw, in salads, hamburgers, tacos, and several other dishes. There are basically six different types of lettuce, butterhead the (Boston), Chinese lettuce, crisphead (Iceberg), looseleaf, Romaine and Summer Crisp (Batavia). Everything is used for the sole purpose of making a salad.

Complete antioxidant components contained in lettuce, useful boost the immune system and detoxify the toxins. In addition, the plant is recommended for smokers. Because lettuce intake shown to protect the lungs from carcinogens in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Research shows, lettuce is also efficacious in counteracting inflammation of mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This is because when chewed, lettuce, releasing the content of PEITC (phenethyl isothiocynate), a chemopreventive agent, fighting lung cancer.

Lettuce Nutrition Fact

Lettuce is a good source of chlorophyll and vitamin K. Rich in mineral salts with alkali elements that very dominating. This is what helps keep blood clean, and your body in good health.

Lettuce is rich in lutein and beta-carotene. Also supplies vitamin C and K, calcium, fiber, folate, and iron. Vitamin K helps the blood clot. Other nutrients are vitamin A and B6, folic acid lycopene, potassium, and zeaxanthin. Lettuce contains alkaloids that are responsible for the therapeutic effect.

Although all varieties of lettuce have low calories, but has a different nutritional content. Lettuce as a good source of choline. Romain Lettuce, most nutrient-dense of all varieties and is a good source of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, folic acid, manganese and chromium. Red lettuce gets red color from a pigment called anthocyanin. These pigments functions as an antioxidant, eliminating free radicals that damage cells. Some researchers found a variety of red lettuce contains flavonoids, which is the powerful antioxidants.

For more detail information, see the table below :
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy55 kJ
Carbohydrates2.23 g
Dietary fibre1.1 g
Fat0.22 g
Protein1.35 g
Water95.63 g
Vitamin A equiv.166 μg 
beta-carotene1987 μg
lutein and zeaxanthin1223 μg
Thiamine0.057 mg
Riboflavin0.062 mg
Pantothenic acid0.15 mg
Vitamin B60.082 mg
Folate73 μg
Vitamin C3.7 mg 
Vitamin E0.18 mg
Vitamin K102.3 μg
Calcium35 mg
Iron1.24 mg
Magnesium13 mg 
Manganese0.179 mg
Phosphorus33 mg
Potassium238 mg
Sodium5 mg
Zinc0.2 mg

Lettuce Health Benefits

1. Weight loss. Lettuce is very good for dieters because it is very low in calories, on average only 1-50 per serving. Lettuce is also rich in water, allowing the body to hydrated. The lettuce also contain fiber, which helps digestion and gives a sense of fullness for longer.

2. Against disease. Lettuce contains beta-carotene which is the crusader against the disease. Certain diseases such as cataracts, stroke, heart disease, and cancer can be combated by eating lettuce.

3. Prevent cancer. According to the American Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, foods rich in vitamin A and C may help prevent certain cancers. Lettuce contains both vitamin.

4. Helping people with constipation. Lettuce contains dietary fiber which can help the intestines move more easily so that helps with digestion. Lettuce is also proven to treat gastric acid disorders, arthritis, cataracts, circulatory problems, and colitis.

5. Assist in the restoration of tissue. Lettuce high in magnesium. This element has an important role in the recovery of tissue, nerves, brain, and muscles. Also contributing to shorten the recovery time. Eating lettuce can accelerate recovery of tired muscles, tissues, and nerves.

6. Relieves headaches. Lettuce juice when mixed with oil of roses, and then attached to the forehead, can help relieve headaches so as to ensure restful sleep.
Prevent birth defects. Lettuce is rich in folic acid, which is known to help prevent birth defects in the early stages of pregnancy. Also prevent anemia.

7. Against insomnia. Eating lettuce helps fight insomnia because it contains sleep-inducing substance called lactucarium. It is a mild opiate substances that exist in virtually all types of lettuce.

8. Improving liver health. Lettuce is also believed to contribute to heart health.

Treating hair loss. Mixed lettuce juice and spinach juice is said for those who bothered by hair loss problems.

9. Soothing sexual desire. Researchers at the University of California shows a series of experiments whose results lettuce has a calming effect on sexual desire, a strong influence on increasing the level of fertility. Although these findings seem controversial, lettuce is often recommended to help men suffering from premature ejaculation.

10. Provides nutrition during pregnancy and lactation. Folic acid in lettuce helps prevent megaloblastic anemia during pregnancy. This was demonstrated in a series of experiments on lettuce mothers who eat free from nutritional anemia. Eating lettuce also have a major effect on the secretion of the hormone progesterone. Eating lettuce with spinach, asparagus, peas, and cauliflower increasing folic acid or vitamin B from the diet. Approximately 300-500 mcg vitamin is required during the last trimester of pregnancy. Deficiency of this vitamin causes megaloblastic anemia.

Lettuce is one of the vegetables that are most vulnerable to pesticide exposure. Therefore, make sure you wash the lettuce thoroughly under running water before cooking or consumption.

How To Get Rid Of Skin Rash Naturally

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

There are many tips to get rid of skin rash naturally by home remedies. Rashes can make you feel very uncomfortable, as they cause itching and pain. Some of the rashes can also be scaly and irritated. A rash is an inflammation of the skin, causing discoloration and texture of the infected area. The rash may be the result of irritation, illness or allergic reaction to food, plants, chemicals, animals or insects. Not all skin rash is contagious. Symptoms of skin rash or dermatitis may be some small red bumps that can cause itching or a burning sensation.

Here are some kind of rash on the skin:
• Eczema or atopic dermatitis
The rash that often occurs in children. Eczema can cause skin to look dry, chapped and rough around the elbows and knees. In more severe cases, eczema can cause the skin to become red, scaly and swelling all over the body.

• Contact dermatitis due to irritation
This can be caused by skin contact with an irritating substance, can be certain chemicals, soaps or detergents. Dermatitis is characterized by skin redness, swelling and itching. Burns caused by sun exposure is also a form of dermatitis due to irritation causing redness and itching may also arise during the process of healing.

• Dermatitis due to, contact allergy
Rash caused by contact with the allergen substances. Substance allergen is a substance that can cause allergies, these substances can be different for each person, for example, such as: rubber, hair dye, nickel (a metal found in some jewelry). Like for example when a person has an allergy to nickel, then he would have a rash in the form of red, flaky and rough every jewelry with substance touches the skin, for example: a rash around your finger when wearing a ring that contains allergen.

Causes Of Skin Rash

Causes of skin rashes can be many and varied. The main causes are bacterial and fungal infection and allergies. However, there are also a host of other factors that can cause and aggravate skin rashes. Some of the most common are allergies to synthetic chemicals found in clothing, latex or rubber products, cosmetics, perfumes, soaps and detergents. Other causes include dermatitis, measles and dry skin.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Skin Rash:

1. Witch hazel
Skin problems like itchy skin rash, psoriasis, and eczema can be relieved to a great extent by using witch hazel. This plant is rich in astringent that is an excellent cure for skin rash. Boil a pint of water and then add an ounce of witch hazel bark. Simmer for 10 minutes and then strain and cool. Soak a clean cloth in the solution and apply it on the skin rash. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash.

2. St. Johns Wort flower
The Greeks and the Native Americans have been using the St. Johns Wort for a variety of medicinal purposes. It is also excellent in treating skin rashes. This flower has got astringent properties that moisturizes and refreshes the skin and so it is especially good for skin rash.

3. Aloe Vera
The gel from aloe vera plant also relieves the skin rash. because it has anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties along with folic acid, zinc, vitamin C, and E, aloe vera effectively controls the rashes in the skin. Slice off a portion of the aloe vera leaf and apply the gel onto the affected area.

4. Calendula essential oils
Calendula essential oils stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for eliminating harmful microbes. Boil the herb in water or add two drops of the essential oil in hot water, and then simmer for ten minutes. Let it cool and then apply it using a clean cloth into the affected area.

5. Chamomile essential oils
Chamomile essential oils soothe the skin rash and the irritations caused by it. However, sometimes it can cause allergic reactions in some people.

6. Oatmeal
Apply oatmeal oil to the rash for immediate relief. Or you can pour a cup of uncooked oatmeal in a bucket of water and then take a bath.

7. Olive oil
Olive oil is also known to effectively cure skin rash. Apply olive oil directly on the rash regularly. The therapeutic properties of olive oil will cure the skin rash.

8. Baking Soda
You can also apply baking soda to the affected skin area. Press the area gently after applying the baking soda to get relief from irritation and cure the rash.

9. Basil leaves
In a blender take 15 basil leaves, 1-tablespoon olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, salt and pepper and blend thoroughly. Apply this mixture on the rashes.

10. Ice cubes
For a rash developed due to spider bites, ice cubes can be directly applied on the area, for some 20 minutes. It will counter the development of rash on the bitten area. If a rash still appears, apply a topical antibiotic medicine to the affected area, 2-3 times a day.

11. Diaper rash cream
For a rash caused by wearing diapers, which is common in babies, diaper rash cream can be applied after cleaning the area thoroughly.

It is advisable to consult a physician if the rash worsens or gets infected to find out the exact cause and appropriate treatment given.

How To Prevent Skin Rash

• If the rash problem that arises in the skin due to contact with certain plants, then learn about the shape of these plants and avoid contact with him. At the time of going into the woods or camping, then wear a long shirt and long pants to help protect the skin.
• If the rash is caused by insect bites, use insect repellent lotion any activities outside the home.
• To dermatitis, both because of allergies or irritation avoid contact with substances that could cause such a reaction.
• In eczema, avoid using harsh soaps and make your skin dry. Also, try to be always kept moist skin by applying body lotion regularly. Bath with cold water is also better than a bath with warm water or a bath because it can make your skin dry.
• If the rash is due to sunburn, then you should always use sunscreen when going to their activities outside the home.

Bitter Melon Nutrition Fact And Health Benefits

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bitter melon save a lot of health benefits. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) is from Asia has been used for herbal medicine for centuries. Bitter melon is generally used to treat diabetes in China and other Asian countries. And also it has an important role in the fight against cancer. Researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center found that bitter melon juice can stop the progression of pancreatic cancer cells. Bitter melon known to stop the supply of glucose in cancer cells. This is very important because cancer cells require glucose for growth.

In addition, bitter melon also contains beta-carotene are two times larger than the broccoli, potentially able to prevent the occurrence of cancer and reduce the risk of heart attack or virus infection. Bitter melon leaves useful for curing diarrhea in infants, purify the blood for a woman who just gave birth, reduce fever, remove pinworms, and can cure cough.

Calcium levels in the Bitter melon classified as very high so as to increase the production of beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin. If insulin is sufficient, then the possibility high glucose levels can be prevented so that the blood sugar levels to normal. Thus Bitter melon very good consumed by diabetics. And also Vitamin C contained in Bitter melon can prevent the emergence of black spots and wrinkles on the face so as to maintain the beauty of the skin.

Nutrition Fact of Bitter Melon

The content of compounds in Bitter melon fruit are saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols (powerful antioxidants), as well as cucurbitacin glycosides, momordicin, and charantin, karatin, hydroxytryptamine, vitamins A, B, and C. Meanwhile the seeds contain momordisin. Almost all parts of this plant, seeds, flowers, leaves, and roots, efficacious for medicine.

Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
Energy79 kJ
Carbohydrates4.32 g
Sugars1.95 g
Dietary fiber2 g
Fat0.18 g
Protein0.84 g
Water93.95 g
Vitamin A equiv.6 μg
beta-carotene68 μg
lutein and zeaxanthin1323 μg
Thiamine0.051 mg
Riboflavin0.053 mg
Niacin0.28 mg
Pantothenic acid0.193 mg
Vitamin B60.041 mg
Folate51 μg
Vitamin C33 mg
Vitamin E0.14 mg
Vitamin K4.8 μg
Calcium9 mg
Iron0.38 mg
Magnesium16 mg
Manganese0.086 mg
Phosphorus36 mg
Potassium319 mg
Sodium6 mg
Zinc0.77 mg

Health Benefits Of Bitter melon

1. Antibacterial and antiviral
Bitter melon contains many biochemical compounds that have antibacterial and antiviral activity. Extracts of bitter melon leaf have been shown to be effective against many types of bacteria including E. coli, Staph, Strep and Salmonella, as well as Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Bitter melon also has anti-viral activity against HIV, herpes and Epstein-Barr viruses, and increases resistance of animals and humans to viral infections.

2. Anti-cancer
Clinical studies have shown that bitter melon has anti-cancer activity. Water extracts of the whole plant inhibit growth of prostate and mammary tumors in animals, and in vitro studies showed anti-cancer activity against several melanoma, sarcoma, leukemia and liver cancer cell lines.

3. Diabetes (Blood sugar regulating)
Biochemical constituents in bitter melon lower blood sugar levels, increase glucose uptake by cells and improve the release and activity of insulin. The blood sugar regulating chemicals are found in the highest concentration in the fruit.

4. Antimalarial
Bitter melon is traditionally regarded in Asia as useful for preventing and treating malaria.[citation needed] Tea from its leaves is used for this purpose also in Panama and Colombia. In Guyana, bitter melons are boiled and stir-fried with garlic and onions. This popular side dish known as corilla is served to prevent malaria. Laboratory studies have confirmed that species related to bitter melon have antimalarial activity, though human studies have not yet been published

5. Maintain the beauty
Bitter melon contains vitamin C, which can overcome the threat of ultraviolet rays. Vitamin C in Bitter melon very well to prevent wrinkles on the face and slow down the aging process. In addition, it can also strengthen the immune system. In every 100 grams of Bitter melon contained 120 mg of vitamin C.

6. Other health benefits
Bitter melon has also been shown to decrease blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and it detoxifies, cleanses the blood, enhances the immune system and reduces inflammation.


Bitter melon may contain alkaloid substances like quinine and morodicine, resins and saponic glycosides, which may be intolerable by some people. The bitterness and toxicity may be reduced somewhat by parboiling or soaking in salt water for up to 10 minutes.

Excessively high doses of bitter melon juice can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Small children or anyone with hypoglycemia should not take bitter melon because this herb could theoretically trigger or worsen low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Furthermore, diabetics taking hypoglycemic drugs (such as chlorpropamide, glyburide, or phenformin) or insulin should use bitter melon only under medical supervision, as it may potentiate the effectiveness of the drugs and lead to severe hypoglycemia. Bitter Melon has also been found to have abortative properties; pregnant women should use consult a doctor before consuming it in excessive amounts.

Cherry Fruit Nutrition Fact And Health Benefits You Must Know

Friday, March 15, 2013

There are many health benefits that we can get from cherry. Cherries are one of the very low calorie fruits; however, they are rich source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Cherries have such a sweet flavor, they make a healthy substitute for snacks such as candy or cakes. Cherries also make an excellent ingredient for a variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner options.

Cherries extensively studied its benefits in the fight against cancer. The results so far show that eating fruit is very useful in fighting organ cancers. Antioxidants in cherries may fight free radicals, or unstable molecules that can damage cells in the human body, so it is believed to slow the aging process.

Research reveals that the red pigment anthocyanin in cherries help reduce inflammation and pain. Cherries are also known to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The study revealed that people who consume cherries every day, have low blood cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides.

Cherry Nutrition Fact

Cherries are delicious and nutritious food has many essential ingredients such as: Antioxidants, Minerals, Ellagic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Bioflavonoids, Melatonin, Anthocyanins, and perillyl.

Cherry fruits are very rich in stable anti-oxidant melatonin. Melatonin can cross the blood-brain barrier easily and produces soothing effects on the brain neurons, calming down nervous system irritability, which helps relieve neurosis, insomnia and headache conditions. Further, they are also good source of minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Potassium is a heart-healthy mineral; an important component of cell and body fluids that regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

See the table below for more detail information about cherry nutrition fact based on USDA national database
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy263 kJ
Carbohydrates16 g
- Sugars12.8 g
- Dietary fiber2.1 g
Fat0.2 g
Protein1.1 g
Vitamin A equiv.3 μg
beta-carotene38 μg 
lutein and zeaxanthin85 μg
Thiamine0.027 mg
Riboflavin0.033 mg
Niacin0.154 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.199 mg
Vitamin B60.049 mg
Folate4 μg
Choline6.1 mg
Vitamin C7 mg
Vitamin K2.1 μg
Calcium13 mg
Iron0.36 mg
Magnesium11 mg
Manganese0.07 mg
Phosphorus21 mg 
Potassium222 mg

Zinc0.07 mg

Health Benefits Of Cherry

Beauty skin
One of the reasons why you should make the cherry as a favorite fruit, it is a vitamin A-containing high carotene. Two of these nutrients are needed for immunity and also beautify the skin. This fruit contains even 20 times higher than strawberries and blueberries.

Natural Insomnia Drug
If you are experiencing frequent insomnia, cherries can do a good job to make you sleep. Melatonin makes you fast asleep. When wanting to sleep more quickly, try adding some cherries on your dinner menu.

Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer
Efficacy was also perceived cherry brain. Keep you from dementia. This is because antioxidants called anthocyanins. This substance is known both as food enhancing brain power.

In patients with arthritis, the fruit is highly recommended. Significant health benefits of cherries is as an anti-inflammatory. Or if you feel tired after a workout, this fruit is a snack right energy generation.

Anti cancer
Cherries also contributed as body armor from a variety of cancers. How it works is very simple. As an antioxidant that frees the body from free radical damage causes the body's cells and tissues.

One more health benefits you can get from fruit cherries. Helps reduce the risk of diabetes. Anthocyanins contained in it, is believed to increase the production of insulin. Of course you also have to avoid foods with excessive sweetness.

Weight Loss
A cherry is made up of more than 75 percent water. This water content makes cherries a perfect weight loss food as foods that are high in water and low in calories keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time than foods and drinks that are higher in calories. Cherries are also loaded with soluble fiber. This water dissolvable fiber helps accelerate weight loss and reduces your cholesterol levels by slowing its absorption into your blood.

How To Get Rid Of Breast Pain During Menstruation

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Breast pain is a common complaint that is often experienced by women either constant or intermittent. This condition could actually be triggered by several factors. A woman may suffer from breast pain as a result of a multitude of reasons like breast disease, nursing, chest wall tenderness, injuries or even infections. Sometimes such pain has been known to manifest from the consumption of certain medication like lanoxin, anadrol or thorazine.

Needless to say that pain in the breasts should be taken seriously and a physician should be consulted at the earliest. However, it would be wise not to panic. Breast pain is an ailment that mostly distresses younger women who are still menstruating. Such pain is not seen very often in older women, especially those who have stopped menstruating. Sometimes the cause of breast pain is a simple imbalance in hormones.

The pain in the breast can be divided into two types: cyclic and noncyclic pain. Cyclic pain, usually associated with the menstrual cycle as hormones and harmless. While noncyclic breast pain usually comes from the breast itself or the surrounding area.

Causes of Breast Pain

Here are some causes of breast pain that commonly occur in women:

Breast disease
This is the most common cause for a woman to experience breast pain. Breast disease is also known as fibrocystic changes or fibrocystic disease. A woman suffering from fibrocystic changes will experience pain in one or both breasts. A physical examination will reveal the existence of rubbery lumps known as fibroadenomas. The tissues that support the glands will also feel as though they are thickening. This kind of pain is seen most often in women during their reproductive years.

Pain Caused By Nursing
Many nursing mothers complain of pain while nursing their babies. Improper drainage can be one of the causes of pain, because, if the baby is not feeding properly, the milk accumulates in the breast and thus causes pain. Sometimes when a woman has an abundant supply of milk and nurses, the milk may come out faster than it normally would, thus causing pain. Sometimes mothers may lean over their child while breast feeding. This posture leads to physical stress in the mother’s body and may also lead to back aches and breast pain.

Pain During Menstruation
Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of breast pain in a woman who is menstruating. The main cause of this type of pain is the imbalance in the levels of estrogen in the body. This imbalance leads to an increase in the size of the breasts, thus causing pain and discomfort.

The two most common infections that lead to breast pain are mastitis and thrush infection, both of which are commonly seen in nursing mothers. Mastitis is a bacterial infection that infects the breast duct through the cracked skin around the nipple of a nursing mother. This infection will cause the breast to swell up due to an increase in blood flow, look red and hurt. Thrush infection is a yeast infection that causes the mother pain during feeding. This pain is felt inside the breast and is accompanied by the nipple becoming red, flaked and itchy. Rashes may also appear around the nipple.

How To Get Rid of Breast Pain

To relieve breast pain you can try a few tips below;
  • Try to avoid salt (in the low-calorie foods and beverages generally contain a lot of salt), caffeine, chocolate, and all of which can cause temporary swelling of the breast.
  • Drinking natural diuretic such as cranberry juice can help, but do not use a diuretic pill because it can disrupt electrolyte levels in the blood and can lead to bigger problems.
  • Other treatments for breast pain that accompanies menstruation such as a warm bath, relaxation, breathing exercise, ibuprofen 400 mg four times a day, and put the cabbage leaves around the affected part. According to many, the last way could pull the pain out of the passage.
  • A comfortable bra. Choose a bra that can support the breast well. You can use any type of sports bra.
  • Sports. Body activity done regularly can trigger production of a certain hormone in the body that works to relieve pain and muscle stress.
  • Compress. Use a cold compress to overcome breast swelling, and hot compresses to relieve pain.
  • Consumption of vitamin B6, B1 and E. the blend of vitamin is known to overcome the pain. In fact some studies have found that vitamin B6 can overcome breast pain during PMS.
  • Essential oils Evening Primrose. This type of oil that is often used in aromatherapy, and is known to relieve swelling. Can be applied at bedtime, to relieve engorgement.

If a woman experiences pain for prolonged periods of time in her breasts, then she should consult a physician without delay.

Zinc Benefits And Rich Foods List

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Zinc is one element that is essential for the growth and development of the body. Zinc plays a role in the immune response, brain function, and reproductive capacity. There are also data showing that zinc supplementation may reduce symptoms of flu, but it is still debatable for the truth.

Zinc is an important mineral to help maintain normal body functions such as wound healing, bone mineralization, tissue growth, and thyroid function. Zinc deficiency can cause anemia, birth defects, infertility, glucose intolerance, and slow wound healing.

Interests and research on zinc and its importance to the human body is increasing day by day. The results of various studies have shown that zinc can reduce the symptoms associated with Chonh's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Alopecia and acne.

A healthy diet plays an important role in maintaining proper levels of zinc. Healthy foods will make your body get enough zinc.

Zinc Health Benefits

Zinc is one of the substances that can maintain the immune system to keep it healthy and productive. However, it is necessary to keep the content of zinc levels so that you can gain the maximum benefit. Meanwhile, if you get zinc at very high levels, the body condition will actually become weaker.

Zinc is considered as a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage and oxidative stress, the body's cells.

Reproduction & Fertility
Zinc plays an important role in reproductive health and fertility of men and women. It is essential for proper hormone production. In women, zinc is necessary for the growth of the eggs and the proper function of estrogen. In men, zinc helps balance testosterone levels and may help to increase libido.

Zinc helps the body to detoxify metals and remove high levels of minerals such as iron from the brain. This process is necessary to maintain healthy brain tissue and good brain function and may play an important role in reducing the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Healthy Skin
Zinc is very helpful in skin treatment. It is very useful in treating acne and pimples. Zinc also helps in assisting the body to normalize the amount of oils on the skin. It not only helps in removing the acne and pimples but also keeps the skin supple and smooth. Taking foods rich in zinc will help you keep your skin healthy.

Cancer Prevention
Maintaining the level of zinc at the right level in the body is an important part of cancer prevention. Zinc deficiency may play an important role in the development of various types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. In a study with rats, zinc helps prevent the proliferation of prostate cancer cells. It is very necessary to keep the immune system and may have antioxidant properties that help to fight cancer-related conditions.

Promotes the synthesis of collagen,
Zinc promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is a necessary element of proper wound healing. Deficiency of zinc can lead to delayed wound healing. Take zinc rich foods on a regular basis.

For Pregnant Women
Zinc is also very essential for the proper functioning and repairing of DNA. Pregnant women should take zinc rich food for the proper growth of fetus.

Zinc Rich Foods

Zinc can be obtained naturally from the food we eat or from supplements of zinc. Here is a list of foods that contain lots of zinc:

1. Meat
Three-ounce meat provides about 40 percent or more zinc than the recommended daily dose. The meat in question including the roasts, ribs, and beef stew.

While meat provides 25-39 percent of the daily dose is beef, ribs, steak, lamb chops, roast shoulder, and tongue.

Chicken, ham, pork, and turkey at least provides about 10 percent of the recommended daily dose of zinc.

2. Seafood (Seafood)
Oysters are a food source that contains the highest zinc. Another seafood supply at least 10 percent per three ounces, including scallops, lobster, fish, and crab meat.

Zinc is often lost during the cooking process. To maintain the content of zinc, cook food with as little water as possible and in the shortest time possible.

3. Dairy Products
Some foods from dairy products are good sources of zinc. Eight ounces of yogurt and 1/2 cup ricotta cheese contains at least 10 percent of the recommended daily amount. Swiss cheese, Gouda cheese, and milk also contain zinc.

4. Grains and Nuts
Whole wheat flour is a good source of zinc. Fortified dry cereals usually contain at least 10 percent of the recommended amount of zinc. Pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds are also good sources of zinc.

Although zinc is found in nuts are not like those found in meat, nuts still provide sufficient quantities and are a source of zinc which is important especially for vegetarians. Good sources of zinc choice of beans are black eyed peas, beans, pinto beans, soybeans, tempeh, and tofu.

Zinc Recommended Daily Dose

  • Infants 0-6 months old: about 2 mg
  • Children aged 7 months - 3 years: 3 mg
  • Children aged 4-8 years: 5 mg
  • Children aged 9-13 years: 8 mg
Optimal amount of zinc intake differs between men and women after the age of 14 years. Here are the recommended dosage:
  • Men: 11 mg
  • Women: 9 mg
  • Pregnant women: 13 mg
  • Lactating women: 14 mg

Highest level of zinc intake is still tolerable for adults is 40 mg.


Everything is too much or too little will usually cause adverse effects to the body, as well as zinc.

Too much intake of zinc can cause zinc poisoning. The symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and severe headaches. High levels of zinc can cause the body's difficulty in absorption of copper and iron. This can cause the immune system becomes weak and anemic.

Intake of too little zinc can cause zinc deficiency. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include impaired growth, weight loss, appearance of lesions on the skin, and hair loss.

Vegetarians, pregnant women, and alcoholics may experience zinc deficiency. However, they can get zinc intake from supplements or eating foods rich in zinc.

