
Simple Tips to Stop Smoking

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Smoking is a vice and not only injurious just to the smoker but to people all around him. A smoker has higher chances of having a heart attack or lung cancer compare to non-smokers. Kicking this bad habit out is not just beneficial physically but you can also save lots of money that you could have blown off in buying cigarettes. And don't forget the health hazard that you impose to your near and dear ones by exposing them to passive smoke.
So, it's the time to kick the butt and you can do it by following the few simple tips given below.

Tips to stop smoking and how to deal with the withdrawal symptoms

• In the beginning, switch from your regular brand of cigarette to another which feels distasteful to you and gradually decrease the number of cigarettes. When you can gradually decrease the number of cigarettes, start smoking only up to half of each cigarette and have the courage to throw it away mid-way. In order to really quit smoking, you should only smoke when you really want to and not out of sheer habit.
The cutting down on numbers is only the start and cannot be called quitting.

• Try to live an active life and keep yourself occupied and distracted by doing something like indulging in sports, going for long walks or reading a book or a magazine.

• Have an oral substitute like mints, carrot gum or sunflower seeds whenever you want to smoke a cigarette.

• Drink lots of water to minimize withdrawal symptoms as it can help in flushing the toxins from your body.

On top of all these, herbal supplements are known to be effective in curing nicotine addiction permanently with no side effects.

What To Do In Case Of Food Poisoning

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You found leftover food inside the fridge and reheated it inside the microwave. Upon eating, you noticed that the taste is a little different from the way it has been. You thought that since the food was inside the fridge for several days already and was reheated, it might not taste the same as it was. You were hungry so you decided to continue eating. After a couple of hours, you felt sick and your stomach felt bad, too. Then you started a visit in the comfort room. Few minutes later, you feel the urge to use the restroom again. These visits became so frequent that you do not want to leave the john anymore. A little later, you start to feel nauseous and you begin vomiting. This might be a case of food poisoning.

Food poisoning is caused by eating food contaminated with germs like bad bacteria and toxins. Unwashed vegetables, poorly cooked meat and raw foods can cause food poisoning. Improper handling and poor sanitation during food preparation can also bring about food poisoning. If you suffer from this, here is what you can do.

Re-hydrate. When you are suffering from diarrhea due to food poisoning, you are most likely to get de-hydrated. It is then best to keep a back up of the fluids that might be lost during the process. Drink a lot of water followed by clear liquids like apple juice to keep you hydrated. Diarrhea and vomiting may cause electrolytes (potassium, sodium and glucose) in your body to be flushed away. It is advisable to replace them with commercially prepared electrolyte products.

Just go with the flow. Your body is trying flush out the toxins you have eaten that is why you are suffering from diarrhea. Taking anti-diarrheal products should be avoided because what you need to do at this time is to eliminate the toxins in your body.

If you feel the hungry or a necessity to take something, consult your doctor to know what foods to eat and not to eat.

In general, the symptoms of food poisoning subside after a few days and after your body is able to get rid of all the toxins you have eaten. Then, you can go without treatment. However, in cases of severe food poisoning, it is best to seek medical attention.By Amy M Chan

10 Tips on How to Avoid Bed Bug Bites

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bed bug bites don't often hurt. But there are instances where a bed bug bite can elicit allergic reactions such as skin irritation, rashes or even infections. These blood suckers don't pick out their victims and it's best to know how to prevent and control their infestation.

Know the Facts
To prevent these bugs from invading your home or apartment, it's important to learn what they are and how they grow. They often thrive in well protected crevices and as their name implies, on beds and mattresses. Bed bugs are brown wingless insects that span less than an inch. They can survive for extended periods of time so getting rid of them is important.

Finding Bed Bugs
To avoid bites from these blood suckers, the most important thing to do is to identify places where they could grow and will possibly thrive. The first things to check include the mattress, the bed frame, and areas near the bed. They also live on furniture, cracks and holes, luggage and even on clothes. Examine the whole bedroom and house thoroughly if there's evidence of an infestation. Simple bite marks on the skin and blood stains on the bed sheet are good indicators that they are around.

Cleaning is one the best ways to stay bed bug free. Always make it a point to clean the house and the bedroom. If possible, scrub areas and wipe furniture clean. Cleaning helps remove these pests from their "harborages" or safe havens. One of most effective ways to clean the house from these bugs is through the use of vacuum. Make sure to vacuum areas thoroughly and wipe them clean afterwards.

Steam cleaning can help kill existing bed bugs. They are not tolerant to extreme pressure so exposing them to the steamer can effectively kill them. Make sure to apply sufficient heat on surfaces.

Wash Fabrics Regularly
Blankets, pillow cases, mattress, and sofa covers should be washed regularly using hot water. Hot water kills these pests instantly. A good routine would be to wash fabrics once a week.

Expose Items to Extreme Heat
Likewise, for items that can't be laundered, it's best to seal them in plastic bags and expose them to the sun. The sun's heat is often sufficient enough to kill any bugs present.

Go For Natural
While pesticides are often used to stop insect infestations, it shouldn't be used to treat a bed bug infestation. Oftentimes, they thrive in areas where people frequently rest and hang around. It wouldn't be too healthy for any person to be exposed to pesticides and its residues.

Diatomaceous Soil
Diatomaceous soil is a good natural treatment for these critters. Diatomaceous soil contains jagged fossils that can easily cut insects. They can be placed in cracks and crevices where the bugs thrive and flourish.

Caulk may be used to block the bugs from entering cracks and holes inside the house. It's often hard for bed bugs to penetrate caulk.

Cold Temperature
It's also possible to get rid of bed bugs by exposing things to extreme cold. During winter, seal items in plastic covers and leave them out in the cold for some time.

Professional Help
If all else fails then it's necessary to call in professional pest exterminators. They'll know what to do and how to handle bed bugs and what to do to prevent them from coming again

Cleaning Your Home Office or Computer Room

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Your home office can be the central business center of the home, and oftentimes with all of those papers and documents, it may be hard to focus on where to get started, or exactly how to clean. Dust is public enemy number one when it comes to a home office. It seems to pervade everything, including computer screens, keyboards, bookshelves, and desktops. Of course we all know that the leading killer of dust is pledge and a dustcloth, but here are a few tips you may not have known.

To keep your computer and keyboards from getting dusty, purchase plastic covers for them. You can also make your own out of trash sacks, or, if you have a creative streak, by sewing custom covers from fabric or old curtains.

If neither of those options work for you, there are other ways of keeping computers and their equipment dust-free. The keyboard dusters you can purchase are ideal for this. They are an aerosol can that sprays intense bursts of air, and be used for more than just a keyboard!

Did you also know that it is safe to use Windex on your computer screens? Many people are under the mistaken assumption that using Windex on a computer screen (or rough paper towels) will damage the screen. Not so unless perhaps you own a computer monitor from before 1990 (if you do, please consult the owners manual that came with the monitor before cleaning). Also, a good way to rid computer screens from dust longer, is after cleaning, to give them one good final wipe down with a fabric softener sheet (the kind that you thrown in the dryer). It takes away most of the static from the screen that draws dust.

Also, you can easily clean a mousepad with regular dish detergent and warm water. Just scrub the pad with dish soap, rinse well with water, and pat dry with a paper towel!

A mouse is easily cleaned by removing the cover from in front of the ball, taking out the ball, and cleaning out any dirt inside with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol.

You can also save time and money in a home office in high traffic carpet areas, and places where sliding chairs sit by purchasing heavy plastic floor mats made for this purpose (just like you see in office building) at your local office supply superstore, such as Staples. This will make your floor cleaning so much easier, and will extend the life of your carpet.

To give your office a quick lift if you have artificial flowers or plants is to spray the pants directly with an aerosol air freshener. Not only does it make the leaves instantly shiny, it also leaves a pleasant scent that will last.

If you own a pet, like I do, and you are constantly trying to remove pet hairs from chairs in your home office, a simple way to remove them is to wrap clear shipping tape backwards around your hand, sticky side out, and pat away at the chairs. An even simpler and faster way is to use an old paint roller, wrapping the tape backwards around it, and rolling it quickly across the furniture to remove hair. The tape can be reused until it has lost its stickiness.

Remember, motivation and perseverance are the keys to a clean home! Stay focused, and best of luck!

Quitting Smoking Benefits - The Good Stuff Starts Right Away!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yes, quitting smoking is very much worth the effort.

Within 20 minutes after you smoke that last cigarette, your body begins a series of positive changes that continue for years.

- Your blood pressure starts to go down.

- Your pulse rate drops (My resting pulse has dropped from 84 to 62 since I stopped).

- Your blood circulation begins to improve. This is actually one of the biggest quitting smoking benefits of all. Smoking constricts (makes smaller) your blood vessels and capillaries, which means your heart has to work harder to get blood and oxygen to those places in your body where it needs to go. When you stop smoking your veins and capillaries begin to relax and open up, which lowers the work load on your heart, which is why you'll experience a lower heart rate, lowered risk of heart attack, lower blood pressure, and higher energy level.

The quitting smoking benefits go on and on.

8 hours after your last cigarette:
- The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal (the bad stuff is going away).
- The oxygen level in your blood increases to normal (the good stuff is increasing).

24 hours after your last cigarette:
- Your chance of having a heart attack begins to decrease (I've been told this is a big plus).

48 hours after your last cigarette:
- your damaged nerve endings begin to regrow - your ability to smell and taste begins to improve
The first and most noticeable quitting smoking benefit that I personally experienced was that my cigarette cough, which was terrible before I quit, was almost totally gone after three weeks. Three weeks! Amazing!
The worst nicotine withdrawal symptoms are gone after the first month.

2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting
- Your lung function begins to improve. - Circulation improves - Walking becomes easier

1 to 9 Months After Quitting
- Your coughing and shortness of breath decrease.

1 Year After Quitting
  - Your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's.

5 Years After Quitting
- Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker's 5-15 years after quitting.

10 Years After Quitting
- Your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker's. - Your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.

15 Years After Quitting
  - Your risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a nonsmoker's.

List of Foods For Diabetics to Eat - Cure For Diabetes

Friday, September 3, 2010

Best cure for diabetes is hidden in list of foods for diabetics to eat. It is true that natural cures for diabetes are effective as well as safer.

Diabetic Foods To Avoid

* It is strongly recommended that diabetics should stay away from foods like glucose, sweets, jam, syrups, molasses, pastries, ice-cream, condensed milk, chocolate, fried food, cream and soft drinks.
* There are many fats like ghee, butter and any hydrogenated oils.
* White sugar and white flour must be avoided.
* The consumption of junk foods, pastries and cookies, processed foods and canned foods must be avoided.
* The diabetics must stay away from smoking and fried food items.
* Smoking eats away the oxygen of body as a result comparatively lesser oxygen is left for the routine metabolic process of the body.

Foods to Be Limited

* The salt intake must be reduced to minimum. Enough amount of salt can be obtained from vegetables as well as fruit as they have natural salt content that is enough for the human body.
* Animal protein consumption like that of red meat must also be limited.
* The poultry and egg consumption must be reduced.
* The diabetics must not consume more than 2 cups of tea or coffee. The better substitutes of tea and coffee are water, green teas and other herbal teas. Water that has been soaked in pods of kidney beans is excellent for the patients of diabetics.
* Diabetics must not consume alcohol on an empty stomach. Excessive consumption of alcohol may cause low blood sugar or hypoglycemia.
* The diabetics can only consume honey, dates, white sugar and palm sugar in moderate amount. The consumption of eggs, pasta, nuts and unsweetened juices are also limited. The better substitutes are brown rice, white grain and soya products.
* Peanut oil, olive oil and sunflower oil are better than hydrogenated fats. Low fat skimmed milk, low fat cottage cheese should only be consumed in moderate amount.

List Of Foods For Diabetics To Eat

* The diabetics should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water in one day
* Nuts, fish, dairy products and whole grain are good for the patient of diabetics. Raw vegetables are good for the patients of diabetics. Cooked food increases the level of blood sugar. Unpeeled and raw foods are best for diabetics as cooking destructs most vitamins and enzymes of vegetables.
* The diabetics must consume 5 portions of fruits in one day. Better fruit choices are bananas, fig, pomegranate, blackberry, kiwi fruits, grapefruits and blackberry are good for diabetes patients. Likewise better vegetable choices are carrot, turnip, tomato, cucumber, radish and cabbage.

Natural Migraine Cure - 5 Tips For Better Treatment

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pain would in fact trouble people of different age levels. An individual could feel tenderness since they are very sensitive to pain. Due to the damage or the direct contact of heat or any sharp objects that would harm the cells in the humans body; the nerve cells send impulses in the body's brain or the central nervous system telling it that something is wrong. One of the pains that an individual would really hate to have is the migraine. Going to the doctors and receiving very expensive prescription can add the pain they are feeling. Looking for a natural migraine cure as an alternative for expensive medicines and treatments is very pleasant. Natural migraine cure is a good way of treating migraine with out spending big amount of money.

Before anything else it is better to know more about migraines. Migraine is a very painful agonizing headache. Migraines don't choose its victim. Women, man, girls and boys have a high risk of this very troubling illness. The human brain has large arteries that have coiled fibers on it. Once the large vessels of the brain dilate or enlarge the coiled arteries of the brain extend and then the nerves will release chemicals. Once the chemicals are released the owner of the body attacked by this illness would feel excessive pain. If a person suffers from migraines they are advised to keep away from too much light and loud sound since they are very sensitive to it. Finding the perfect natural migraine cure is advisable.

Improper sleeping time or schedule, too much stress, nervousness or anxiety, too much sunlight exposure and some changes in the hormonal patterns for women are some of the reasons why people could feel this painful headache. Aside from using drugs that are prescribed by doctors, there are some natural migraine cures that they could use to heal it.

Once migraines attack, here are some of the tips and methods to lessen the pain.

1. Take a bath. Taking a bath would prevent the dilation or the enlargement of the blood vessels in the brain preventing the chemicals to release and thus avoiding pain.

2. Another one is to stay in a dark room and lie down there until the pain stops and avoid too much exposure to any source of light.

3. Placing a cold compress in the forehead and behind the neck might also lessen too much pain.

4. There are two kinds of pressure points behind the neck and pressing it for two minutes would stop the pain. Massaging the affected area is proven to be a good first aid or action for migraines.

5. Eat a lot of fruits or foods that contains Vitamin C and B3.

It is smarter to avoid doing some strenuous activities such as working house hold chores, running or jogging in the park or somewhere else and exercising or else the pain that the migraine confer will just worsen. It is better to stay home and take a rest. Staying away from any cause of your stress is recommended. If the pain still remains even after applying all of this natural migraine cure, it is better to see a doctor and ask for his or her advice regarding migraines. They can tell if the painful headache is still a migraine or a severe brain illness. Relying to the natural migraine cure is not half bad since people before time used the natural migraine cure to heal others suffering from this sickness.

Agatha Green has been a migraine sufferer for years. On her website she unveils more than one year of research on migraines and how she managed to treat her own disease. For more great information on natural migraine cure, visit

Article Source:

How to Boil an Egg

Saturday, July 17, 2010

easy step-by-step guide on egg boiling.


1. Remove desired number of eggs from the refrigerator and let them sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes.

2. Gently place the eggs in a saucepan.

3. Run cold tap water into the saucepan until the water is about 1 inch (3 centimeters) above the eggs.

4. Put the saucepan on a stove and cook over medium heat until the water starts to boil. Covering the pan will lead to a quicker boil. Then reduce the heat to low and remove the cover from the pan.

5. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.

6. Remove the egg with a spoon or ladle and let it cool slowly. If you want it cool more quickly, run cold water over it. If you are hard-boiling several eggs, carefully remove the pan from the stove top and place beneath the kitchen faucet. Run cool water into the pan for a minute until the water is cool to the touch and let them sit in the water for 2-5 minutes.

1. Remove desired number of eggs from the refrigerator and let them sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes.

2. Gently place the eggs in a saucepan and add enough water into the saucepan until the water is about 1 inch above the eggs.

3. Put the saucepan on a stove and cook over medium heat until the water starts to boil. Covering the pan will lead to a quicker boil. Then reduce the heat to low and remove the cover from the pan.

4. The amount of time the eggs are allowed to simmer will determine how cooked the yolk. Soft-cooked runny yolk: 5 minutes. Medium-cooked creamy partially-firm yolk: 7 minutes

5. Carefully remove the pan from the stove top and place beneath the kitchen faucet. Run cool water into the pan for a minute until the water is cool to the touch.

Do not over cook your eggs because it can cause a green ring to appear around the egg yolk, due to the iron and sulfur in the egg. Even though this will not affect the taste of the egg, it can hurt the egg’s protein quality. Enjoy your boiled eggs!

5 Quick Health Tips That Your Body Will Thank You For

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Many of us live very fast paced lives that we never seem to have the time to stop and think about whether we are looking after our health properly. If you are the sort of person who never seems to have enough time then the following 5 quick health tips will help you.
Tip 1: Start the morning with a short 5 minute breathing exercise. You can do this standing or lying down. The key thing is to breathe deeply to the pit of your stomach to a count of 7. Then release quickly for a count of 4.

Tip 2: Following your breathing exercise drink a glass of warm filtered water and include a slice of lemon if you have it. This will help to cleanse and lubricate your digestive system. Have another glass of warm water in the evening time.

Tip 3: Eating a meal when you are stressed out or when you're on the move is a fast track to indigestion. You will not be able to digest your food properly. Therefore, acquire the habit of finding a quiet place to sit down, relax and enjoy your meal in peace.

Tip 4: Gandhi once said that you should drink your food. Meaning the food we eat should be digested in the mouth before it reaches the stomach. Many people do not take the time to chew their food properly. They swallow whole chunks of food which does nothing but put more stress on an already over worked digestive system. Chew your food slowly and savour every flavour of the food you eat. Chewing slowly has many benefits because it enables your digestive to get the maximum amount of nutrients out of your food. It also avoids the risk of undigested food getting trapped and bunging up your intestinal tracts where toxins can breed.

Tip 5: Eating food and drinking liquids that are either too hot or too cold can affect the balance of your body. Different temperatures that are extreme can weaken the functions of the organs such as the spleen. If you eat very hot food then you can actually burn the sensitive membrane on the surface of your mouth and stomach lining. Over time this can lead to serious health complications. Before you put any food or drink to your mouth make sure it is not too hot or cold before you swallow.

With over 2 years experience as a freelance writer, Tim Bose writes on topics he is passionate about. His new website provides useful information on free standing mirror products and a replacement mirror glass services.

Article Source:

Tips to Stay Alive & Good Healthy

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In today’s ambiance it is acceptable more difficult for association to break healthy. This is abominably affecting our lives in abounding altered aspects, eg, ancestors life, adulation life, amusing groups and the workplace.

Below are 5 means you can accumulate your action advantageous and prosperous:
1. Be Smoke Free – Smoking reduces the bulk of oxygen in your claret and amercement the avenue walls. This can absolutely arrest your alpha to acceptable convalescent as it can alpha to accomplish breath difficult and advance to lung cancer.

2. Enjoy Advantageous Bistro – Cholesterol and Fat are a above contributor to poor bloom in todays society. Cholesterol and fat deposits which physique up in the avenue walls and could cause affection disease. You can lower this by abbreviation the assimilation of saturated fat. Mainly begin in blubbery meats, abounding chrism dairy products, butter, attic and approach oils and a lot of absurd take-away foods. Replace saturated fats with oils such as Canola, Olive, Sunflower and Soy Bean oils.

3. Be Physically Alive – The physique is advised to move and approved concrete action is acceptable for the heart. Concrete action can aswell admonition ascendancy added accident factors such as top claret burden and getting overweight. A simple airing in the morning afore plan will aswell do amazing things for your abundance throughout the day.

4. Ascendancy Claret Burden – Top claret burden can ache your affection and acceleration up the action of coronary affection disease. Have approved checks, If your BP is high, abate alkali intake, absolute booze and chase your doctors advice. Keeping alive will aswell admonition abate your adventitious of top claret pressure.

5. Maintain A Advantageous Weight – Getting over weight and accustomed too abundant weight about the waist are accident factors for coronary affection ache and diabetes, advantageous bistro and getting physically alive assists weight loss. When aiming to lose weight set astute goals over a acceptable time aeon to admonition accumulate you motivated. Don’t try and lose weight too bound as it is ailing and generally not as effective.

We achievement these 5 means to break advantageous admonition you in your seek for a advantageous life. Take affliction of your bloom and you will be able to reside to the fullest in all aspects of your life.

Caring for Simple Cuts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There are a just few mandatory rules to follow when caring for simple cuts. And although most people know first aid for minor cuts, there are times when visiting a health care professional are warranted.
There are a few simple rules when caring for simple cuts:

1. Immediately apply pressure to the cut. Use a clean compress such as a Kleenex for small paper cuts, or a large towel if you've cut your hand, leg, or arm. Continue to apply pressure until the bleeding stops.
2. After you've stemmed the bleeding, wash the cut with soap and warm water, taking care to clean any debris in or around the cut. You can dab or pour hydrogen peroxide onto the cut to help wash away dirt and debris.
3. Dry the cut by patting it with another clean compress.
4. Apply antibiotic ointment or spray on the cut to inhibit infection.
5. Cover the cut with a sterile bandage to keep germs out.
6. If the cut gets wet, repeat steps 3, 4, and 5.
7. Let the cut heal before permanently removing the bandaging.
8. See your doctor if the cut reddens, develops pus, or doesn't heal within a few days.

Healthy eating tip:Limit sugar, salt and refined grains

Thursday, April 22, 2010

If you succeed in planning your diet around fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats, you may find yourself naturally cutting back on foods that can get in the way of your healthy diet—sugar, salt and refined starches.
Sugar and refined starches

It is okay to enjoy sweets in moderation, but try to cut down on sugar. Sugar causes energy ups and downs and adds to health problems like arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, headaches, and depression.

* Give recipes a makeover. Often recipes taste just as good with less sugar.
* Avoid sugary drinks. One 12-oz soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar in it! Try sparkling water with lemon or a splash of fruit juice.
* Eliminate processed foods. Processed foods and foods made with white flour and white sugar cause your blood sugar to go up and down leaving you tired and sapped of energy.


Salt itself is not bad, but most of us consume too much salt in our diets.

* Limit sodium to 2,300 mg per day – the equivalent to one teaspoon of salt. Most of us consume far more than one teaspoon of salt per day.
* Avoid processed, packaged, restaurant and fast food. Processed foods like canned soups or frozen meals contain hidden sodium that quickly surpasses the recommended teaspoon a day.

Water—a vital part of a healthy diet

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Water makes up about 75% of our bodies and helps flush our systems of waste products and toxins. Yet many people go through life dehydrated—causing tiredness, low energy and headaches.
Caffeinated beverages, in particular, actually cause the body to lose water. Fresh fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, contain plenty of water and can help with hydration, especially when you are looking for an alternative to your eighth glass of water for the day.

Exercise? No Excuses

Monday, April 12, 2010

Want to add years to your life? Make regular, moderate exercise part of your healthy lifestyle routine. Physical activity is good for the body, mind and spirit, helps maintain and improve the health of your heart, reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer's, promotes energy, quality rest and a healthy weight, helps manage unhealthy stress, and can address symptoms of mild to moderate depression.

So why isn't everyone exercising? People can always find excuses not to exercise, but really - there is no good reason. To reap all these benefits, all most people need is 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity at least four days a week, including at least two days of strength training, and a stretching routine.

It's simple to begin: rent fitness DVDs, join a gym, make an appointment with a personal trainer, or simply get some friends together for daily walks or bike rides.

1. Exercise improves your mood.

Need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help you calm down.

Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. You'll also look better and feel better when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Regular physical activity can even help prevent depression.

2. Exercise combats chronic diseases.

Worried about heart disease? Hoping to prevent osteoporosis? Physical activity might be the ticket.

Regular physical activity can help you prevent — or manage — high blood pressure. Your cholesterol will benefit, too. Regular physical activity boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol while decreasing triglycerides. This one-two punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly by lowering the buildup of plaques in your arteries.

And there's more. Regular physical activity can help you prevent type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer.

3. Exercise helps you manage your weight.

Want to drop those excess pounds? Trade some couch time for walking or other physical activities.

This one's a no-brainer. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn — and the easier it is to keep your weight under control. You don't even need to set aside major chunks of time for working out. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk during your lunch break. Do jumping jacks during commercials. Better yet, turn off the TV and take a brisk walk. Dedicated workouts are great, but physical activity you accumulate throughout the day helps you burn calories, too.

4. Exercise boosts your energy level.

Winded by grocery shopping or household chores? Don't throw in the towel. Regular physical activity can leave you breathing easier.

Physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. In fact, regular physical activity helps your entire cardiovascular system — the circulation of blood through your heart and blood vessels — work more efficiently. Big deal? You bet! When your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you'll have more energy to do the things you enjoy.

5. Exercise promotes better sleep.

Struggling to fall asleep? Or stay asleep? It might help to boost your physical activity during the day.

A good night's sleep can improve your concentration, productivity and mood. And you guessed it — physical activity is sometimes the key to better sleep. Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. There's a caveat, however. If you exercise too close to bedtime, you may be too energized to fall asleep. If you're having trouble sleeping, you might want to exercise earlier in the day.

6. Exercise can put the spark back into your sex life.

Are you too tired to have sex? Or feeling too out of shape to enjoy physical intimacy? Physical activity to the rescue.

Regular physical activity can leave you feeling energized and looking better, which may have a positive effect on your sex life. But there's more to it than that. Regular physical activity can lead to enhanced arousal for women, and men who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than are men who don't exercise — especially as they get older.

7. Exercise can be — gasp — fun!

Wondering what to do on a Saturday afternoon? Looking for an activity that suits the entire family? Get physical!

Physical activity doesn't have to be drudgery. Take a ballroom dancing class. Check out a local climbing wall or hiking trail. Push your kids on the swings or climb with them on the jungle gym. Plan a neighborhood kickball or touch football game. Find a physical activity you enjoy, and go for it. If you get bored, try something new. If you're moving, it counts!

Are you convinced? Good. Start reaping the benefits of regular physical activity today!

4 Reasons to Eat Pistachios

Pistachios, like most nuts, are a healthy snack when eaten in moderation, and their fat content can help stave off hunger pangs. If you need more reasons to pick up a bag of pistachios, consider that pistachios:

1. Can help reduce the risk of heart disease. They are rich in the amino acid arginine, phytosterols and unsaturated fat - all of which promote heart health.
2. Are a good source of polyphenol antioxidants, which protect against oxidative stress and inflammation.
3. Can promote eye health. Pistachios have high levels of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
4. Provide fiber. One ounce of pistachios (about 47 nuts) has three grams of dietary fiber - more than a half cup of spinach and the same amount as an orange or apple.

I recommend avoiding nuts that are dyed red or white, and eating only the natural ones (the green hue of the actual nut is natural and comes from chlorophyll). To keep pistachios fresh and crunchy, store them in an airtight container to prevent them from drawing moisture from the air and becoming soggy. If you keep them in the refrigerator or freezer, you can store them for as long as a year.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1. From which the original gas?
Of gas in the intestines.
Intestinal gas in the air I come from we swallow, gas penetrating into the intestines from the blood, gas and gas from chemical reactions of bacteria in the stomach.

2. What is the composition of gas?
Vary. The more air you swallow, the more the rate of nitrogen gas (oxygen from air diaserap by the body before they reach the intestine). The existence of bacteria and chemical reactions between stomach acid and intestinal fluids to produce carbon dioxide. Bacteria also produce methane and hydrogen. Propors each gas depending on what you eat, how much swallowed air, type of bacteria in the intestine, how long we hold flatus. Longer withstand wind, the higher the proportion of nitrogen, because the other gases absorbed by the blood through the intestinal walls. People who eat haste rate of oxygen in the more wind there's no time because the body absorbs oxygen.

3. Why fart smell?
Because the smell of hydrogen sulfide gas & merkaptan. Both these materials contain sulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content in your food, the more & merkaptan sulfide produced by the stomach bakteri & busuklah more you fart. Eggs & meat has a big role in memproduksi flatus odor. Bean-bean memproduksi role in the volume of gas is not in kebusukannya.

4. Why fart sounds cause?
Because vibrasi hole `anal` when wind produced. Severity depending on the sound speed of gas.

5. Why do I smell the warm wind and no sound?
One source is wind bacterium. Fermentation and bacterial digestion process memproduksi heat, gas revenue side is bad. Measurement of gas bubbles smaller and warm with bacterial metabolic products malodorous. This later became the wind, even small volumenya, but SBD (Silent But Deadly)

6. How much gas produced per day?
Average half liters a day about 14 times.

7. Why is gas out through the anus hole?
Density because his lighter, why not fart gas to travel to the top? Not so. Intestinal peristalsis push the contents toward the bottom. Pressure around the anus `` lower. Intestinal peristalsis have the space pressure, forced up to fill the intestines, including gas-it to move to a lower pressure, which is about `anal`. On the way to the `anal` bubble-bubble of small bubbles merge so large. If there is no peristalsis, gasakan bubble bust up again, but not too much, because I form complex intestinal & berbelit-Believe.

8. How much time needed by the wind to travel to the nose of others?
Depending on the condition of air, such as humidity, temperature, wind speed & direction, wind gas molecular weight, the distance between 'transmitter' and 'receiver'. Similarly, leaving the source, spread and concentrated fart gas decreases. If the wind is not detected in a few seconds, it means pengcernaan experience in air & air swallowed lost forever. Unless you fart in a narrow space, such as lift, cars, more concentrated, so the scent will be hovering in a fairly long time until finally absorbed wall.

9. What each person fart?
Certainly, if still alive. Shortly after meninggalpun people can still wind.

10. Are men fart more often than women?
No association with gender ... If true, means that women hold kentutnya, & apabla want to fart, I produced numerous number.

11. When what people usually wind?
Morning in the toilet. called "morning thunder". If resonansinya good, can be heard all over the house.

12. Why eat beans cause many fart?
Legumes contain sugar I can not be digested body. The sugar (raffinose, stachiose, verbascose) if to the intestinal bacteria in the intestine, partying and making a lot of gas. Corn, cabbage, milk also causes a lot of wind (not eat!).

13. Besides food, what other causes wind?
Swallowed air, eat in a hurry, without chewed food, drink `` soft drink, increased aircraft (because air pressure is lower, so the gas in the intestines has emerged as wind & expansion).

14. What with the wind Sendawa, but emerged from another hole?
Not ... Sendawa emerged from the stomach, the composition of other chemically with gas. Sendawa contains more air, gas containing gas produced by bacteria more.

15. Where perginya gas if gas is not released was arrested?
.. But not absorbed by blood, not disappeared because leaking .. I migrated to the upper intestine and the head will turn out well. Be not disappeared, but only a delay.

16. Is it possible to burn gas?
Can only. Flatus containing methane, hydrogen yg Combustible (natural gas containing components also). If burned, nyala his blue because the element hydrogen.

17. Can light a match with the wind?
Do not trump up ... other consistency. Also temperatures are not warm enough to start burning.

18. Why dogs & cats more fart smell?
Because dogs and cats are carnivores (meat eaters). Meat rich in protein. Protein contains many sulfur, so the smell of flatus is more animal smell. Other herbivore such as sheep, horses, elephants, the memproduksi fart more, longer, stronger sound, but relatively odorless.

19. Are headaches if smell smell gas 2-3 times in a row?
Flatus contains less oxygen, may experience a few headaches if you smell gas smell too much.

20. What color fart?
Not colored. If `color` orange as nitrogen oxide, aka who fart sensation occurring .. hehehe

21. What gas is acid or neutral?
Acid, because pregnant karbondioksisa (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

22. What happens if someone fart in the planet Venus?
Planet Venus already contains sulfur (sulfur) in the layer of air, so there is no wind effects.

Cancer Killer in your Kitchen

By John Susan Saradon.

The powerful healing effects of ginger have been well documented. It's a proven remedy for upset stomach. Reams of studies show that it inhibitsinflamation. And there is substantial evidence that it fights cancer, too.
For instance, a recent University of Michigan study showed that when ginger was added to ovarian cancer cells in the laboratory, it caused the cancer cells to self-destruct (a process known as "apoptosis").

In a separate study at the University of Minnesota, researchers injected colon cancer cells into mice that were bred to have no immune system.
Half of these mice were routinely fed gingerol, the main active component in ginger. The researchers found that the mice that were fed gingerol lived longer, t! heir tumors were smaller, and the cancer did not spread as widely as in the control group.

With all these health benefits, you should be using ginger as often as you can. The best way I've found to get a healthy serving of ginger is to juice it. (The brand of juicer I use is an Omega.)

Two or three days a week, I juice an apple or two, some carrots, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and a big piece of ginger root. The ginger gives the drink a great flavor and a powerful anti-cancer kick. I highly recommend that you try it.

Dealing with a Migraine

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dealing with a migraine headache while suffering from one can be painfully exhausting. Knowing the signs of an impending migraine, understanding what triggers your migraines, and taking fast action when your migraine starts will help you through your next migraine episode.

Health professionals agree that there may be certain circumstances that trigger migraines. Some of those triggers could be:

* Infrequent eating and fasting
* Sleep pattern changes
* Loud noises, unusual odors, or bright lights
* Hormonal changes
* Food triggers such as nuts, strong cheese, processed meats, artificial sweeteners, and citrus foods

While in the throes of a migraine, it doesn't matter to you which kind of migraine you have, or what triggers it. What matters is getting fast relief. If you've had a migraine episode before, you know what precedes it, so you know what to expect. If you know a migraine is coming, following these tips may help ease the pain and shorten the length of the headache:

* Use an over-the-counter medicine such as Excedrin Migraine, Extra Strength Tylenol, or Aleve.
* Lie down in a quiet, dark room.
* Apply a cold washcloth to your head.
* Drink a soda containing caffeine, or a cup of strong caffeinated coffee.
* Use relaxing massage techniques and gently massage your head, neck, face, and shoulders.
* If your doctor has prescribed drug therapy, take the recommended dosage at the onset of your migraine.

Determining what triggers your migraines, and avoiding those triggers, can lessen their frequency. If you know a migraine is developing, take immediate action to stop the migraine or shorten the duration of it. If you have continued and frequent migraines, see your doctor for more ways to manage your migraines.

INFO: healthy diet for little guys

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

# In addition to milk, fruits and vegetables, also include nuts, fish and dairy products in the food children

# The additional food not just vitamins and minerals, but fatty acids, Omega 3 and fish oil

# Children less adequate vitamins and minerals may face a low rate of IQ

# Description level level IQ depends on a combination of various vitamins such as zinc, vitamin A and C

# Monitor your intake of food supplements. If the excess can be toxic to the body

Halitosis-mulut berbau

Sunday, February 7, 2010

TEMPORARY mouth or bad breath really is embarrassing. However, it sure is a shame if they did not perceive the experience or leave without any action.

This problem is also known as halitosis is not just involve the individual but also can cause a person away. What causes this problem?

Factor is mainly due to food waste the remaining gap in the teeth. Wastes that are not cleaned, will eventually cause decay and bad breath. Gum problems may also cause halitosis.

Hence, ensuring the mouth clean is our responsibility at all times. Mouth not only help you chew food functions, but at the same time become home to hundreds of types of bacteria. Balance between the types of bacteria was always ensure that fresh mouth.

Please note, cause halitosis is not the same for each person. Examination with the dentist will ensure that the actual cause of your problem.

INFO: Signs your mouth smelling

* You often feel there is less odor or taste wine in the mouth
* Friend or around the mouth or close the eyes move when you talk
* There are friends that fiscal or candy to stretch your
* There calitan effects or yellow or white on your tongue.

There are several preventive measures that can be taken to overcome this problem. Often, polish teeth at least twice a day and floss your teeth every day act also helps eliminate mouth odor.

Other steps can be taken to reduce mouth odor problems:

1) Drink tea

Study finds chemicals in green tea and black tea known as 'Polyphenols' help stop the growth of bacteria responsible for halitosis problem.

2) Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water helps your mouth stay moist. In Chinese medical beliefs, halitosis due to excessive heat in the stomach. Water, soup or fruit such as cucumber help balance the body. While drinks such as coffee, milk, fried foods or spicy foods believed to only increase the problem. What kind of drink, especially water to help remove small food particles and excess mucus from the mouth. It also helps prevent dry mouth.

3) Use of herbal

Besides chewing chewing gum, chewing practices such as herbal mint, basil and rosemary can help reduce mouth odor.

4) Learn to control stress

Some people, especially young men have a regime of good oral hygiene, but many may not realize the pressure to increase production of mouth odor.

5) Stop smoking

Smoking not only make your mouth smell but also dry mouth.

Four Simple Tips For Losing Weight Forever

Monday, February 1, 2010

OK, so you want to lose those extra pounds but you've been on every diet in the world; none of which worked and you're at you wits end. Believe me I've been there too, so here are a few tips that helped me get over the "diets don't work" hump.

1. Don't think of it as a diet. Stop thinking of the changes you make as temporary while you wait to be able to go back to the way you were living before. There's an old saying, "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got." To create a new and healthy you, change your habits for good.

2. Say daily affirmations. I believe your thoughts are at least as important as anything else you can do. It's important for you to realize that every thought you have immediately affects your body. So when you think, "I'm fat," your body will create that. Your first step is to start monitoring your thinking and replace any thoughts about being overweight with "I'm becoming my ideal weight" Affirmations must be positive and stated as though they are already true.

3. Exercise. It is very difficult to loose weight without exercise. Walking is the best so think of ways to take more steps everyday. Park further from the door; take the stairs instead of the elevator. Then find fun ways like biking, or dancing to get a little more exercise because as we all know the more calories you burn the more pounds come off.

4. Eat smaller portions 5 or 6 times a day. This will keep you from getting too hungry. Make sure to eat at least one big salad each day. It should contain dark greens like romaine lettuce and spinach, and add all kinds of veggies, then a little bit of sugarless oil and vinegar dressing. If you follow this tip you won't starve yourself and you won't be hungry either.

If you will take just these four tips, practice them everyday, you'll be off to a great start in getting those extra pounds to melt off. You can be your ideal weight and stay that way for the rest of your life.

Dr Jeanne is a Holistic Health Coach who has both medical and counseling training and works with the body, mind, and spirit in helping her clients achieve the life they want. If you are interested in learning Meridian Tapping, and other healing techniques, Dr. Jeanne gives free teleseminars. Her next teleseminar will teach basic Affirmative Meridian Tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique and each person on the call will have an opportunity to work with Dr. Jeanne on their own challenge or desire. To obtain dates, times, or to enroll go to Dr. Jeanne also does guided meditations which are free for the first week after she does them. All of her teleseminars and meditations are available on her web site.

Article Source:

Easy tip FOR YOU-Drink Water

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Drink water. No matter where you are, water should always be the first thing you reach for when you're thirsty. Water truly is essential.
-Dr. Nancy Norman, medical director of the Boston Public Health Commission

(AP Photo/The LaSalle News Tribune, David Manley)

Health tips for lifestyle-Daily Exercise Suggestions

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Walk 10 Minutes a Day and Increase Your Fitness Level
Old thinking was to work out in a sweat-filled gym for hours a day. No pain, no gain. New studies show that even short bouts of activity can increase your fitness level, especially if you're new at working out.

Park and Walk
Whenever you have an errand, park your car as far away as you can handle and walk to the store. At the mall, park at the farthest end and walk the length of the mall. Use every opportunity to walk. At the end of the day, it all adds up to better fitness.

Crunch in Bed
Before you even get out of bed in the morning, do 10 stomach crunches while lying flat on your mattress. Increase daily by one until you get up to 100. Think you'll never get there? Try it. You may eventually have to set your clock to wake up 15 minutes earlier, a small price to pay for a flatter stomach.
